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Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn travel. Hiển thị tất cả bài đăng

Thứ Hai, 13 tháng 8, 2018


Summer 2018! And what a summer it has been!




Never before has it been this warm - hot and sunny since May, and such weather for over a month that even a +25c felt like "oh, it's a abit colder today". It has been like the summers of my childhood, warm and sunny forever! But whereas those memories are, if not sugar coated but rather sun-coated, this summer has actually been the warmest ever recorded with around +30c daily.

Not that is is over quite yet, but school started today, and just as the summers of childhood ended as school begun, it still does so today; on a mental level at least. While the weather has had it's downsides (drought, bad crops, perhaps a sign of an alarming change to come) and not everyone enjoys the heat I however bask in it. I said a big F to gardening this year, and haven't thus even felt bad for dead flowers and cherryless trees, but took had the opportunity to spend en exceptional large amount of time with family, visit my close-to heart summer places as well as had a fabulous trip to Italy, while still managing to squeeze in some work in a not-too-stressful way.

My pocket calendar is of such kind that it begins in August en ends at some point of the summer, and I also tend to think the year along the schedules of school and also the studio's school year, which means we are soon in for a new one. There is lots in store for autumn on different fronts, and lets see if I manage to make some of them appear here as well!
Hope you all have enjoyed a wonderful summer, and lets hope the last weeks of it, whatever may have been the case, will be just as good or even better!

Thứ Ba, 19 tháng 6, 2018


Hello! Even though it may not always seem like it, I am still here! At least for the joy of all of those marketing SEO- and escort services, who I know from the comments are the ones that for sure still visit ("visit") my blog.
But this is however a quick one, because now I am off to Italy to enjoy myself! But I did manage to schedule a couple of small posts so the spambots have something to dig in to.

Happy midsummer!
(...and for all the Finns, the greeting you have to add to this holiday: take it easy and be safe!)

Vintage travel poster by from ze interwebs - the artist  is Mario Puppo, who did a lot of travel posters in the mid 1900s.

Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 9, 2017


In the beginning of summer we went on holiday to Spain. We had a great Air Bn'B in Xàbia / Jávea; spent a week swimming and sweating and drinking sangria. Or well, juice; kids and children and so on - we were a big lot with the whole family, but the teenagers (my oldest stepson and his girlfriend) were being super teenagy and kept to themselves so no photographical evidence of them.

After almost a decade of blogging I have now let go of my constant 'thinking-my-life-trough-blog-posts' and 'must-take-photos-all-the-time' so I took less pictures than normally. Which afterwards when browsing trough is a bit sad but then again sure feels more relaxed on spot.

Spot the monkey.
My own little monkey in the ninja-suit I made him.

Dag turned five during the trip and I broke a couple of sunglasses and now it's almost October and we'll have to wait for true sunshine for months but I can still remember the hot salty sand between my toes.

Thứ Sáu, 8 tháng 9, 2017

Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 12, 2016


 At the end of last week I traveled to Hamburg again to perform at the Home of Burlesque.
As we shot the music video the night before I opted on the late afternoon flight; to once not have to get up at 6am with just a couple of hours of sleep to go to the airport. Arriving late when performing the same night is always a bit risky, but with a straight flight on a well travelled route you'd still think you're pretty safe, because things can go wrong but in the end they don't actually do that often.

This time it did though; first the Helsinki airport was shut down due to a rescue operation, which resulted in delays and too many people wanting to get to the same point (=inside) at once. I worked with transportation and travels for over a decade, and I know what it's like to be on duty when the shit hits the fan and you can't do anything to solve the problem, only try to make the situation run as smooth as possible, and boy was I glad I was not somebody working at Helsinki Airport that day.
But well, we made our plane on time but the flight itself did not, so we left a over an hour late.  Was already seeing the scenario of me putting the stage face on in the airplane, but we still time to make the show!

Upon arrival in Hamburg it's pretty easy to get  to the venue; straight with one train and a little walking-and-bag-dragging. However, one situation was not enough; there was (apparently) an incident on the tracks so at some point we found ourselves, our bunch of bags and a clearly added sweat-layer to our foreheads stepping out on some train station in Hamburg as the trains stopped moving. But, there's always a cab to be found somewhere; we made it on time to our show in the end but I am seriously wishing I was able to do all my show travels a day in advance... The rest of the shows went well (we perform for three days in a row) except for one moment when the DJ managed to accidentally mute my track and I found myself just clapping my hands to get the crowd going, starting to do jazz hands (and singing JAZZHANDS YEY) after a while as nothing was happening, and finally getting the DJ, who seemed rather clueless and actually asked me what to do to just play any f-ing music ok? and then improvising myself trough some random rockabilly song to finish my act. But those things have to happen sometimes too. And the bar serves good gin afterwards to cool your nerves.

Otherwise -

- late evenings and late mornings, the usual traveling showgirl nutrition (a mix of yin and yang there I tell you), my have-to-go in Hamburg: Miniatur Wunderland, harbours makes me happy (both miniature and actual ones), Christmas markets and fairs too. Also the Reeperbahn version, because: mulled wine, although I am a little more traditionally put and thus care more for candy apples and gingerbreads than giant inflatable dicks. By large.

Now I'm back home and this weekend it's off to Southeastern Finland to perform. And next Saturday it's time for our fourth (time flies!) Christmas revue, Under The Mistle Tease!  Everybody has to come.

Thứ Ba, 6 tháng 9, 2016


Ah, Mondays, Tuesdays, beginning of the week. Mondays used to be may day off to adapt from the weekend rhythm to the weekly one, but this year Dag goes to his play-club on Monday mornings too, which means Mondays has become as shitty as everyone else’s, waking-up wise at least.

When you are away performing it’s often odd to adapt your weekend work schedule to your week-schedule. Although I am used to an irregular routine  - the last four years of my harbour work, when I was working as the supervisor, we did five days of evening shift from 15hrs to 1 am, then three days off and then seven days of morning shift from 05:30 to 14:30 (and then we had six days off). I remember reading that mixing shifts like that is not good for your sleep (or for you) as you never really adapt to any regular rhythm, but I can’t really state that my routines would have improved that much nowadays either...

Performing life when away often looks something like this, only the small details vary.

06:00am Leave to airport far too early, especially taking into consideration evening teaching (in this example, you can fill in : performing sometimes too) the night before and late night packing (as always, no matter how well you think you’ve prepared it this time).
Consume crazily expensive coffee and smoothies at airport. 

10:00am Arrive to destination, drag your just-a-few-grammes-below-maximum-weight-suitcase(s) along in public transportation to where you are staying.

(Here we are arriving in St.Pauli in Hamburg the other week. The rest of the details and pics will come from that trip. -)

Wait for about an hour for the man with the keys to show up. Enjoy some coffee and a random baguette (the rest of the trip will be healthier!) while you wait.

12:00pm Then sleep. Sleep sleep sleep

18:00 Get up, do some stretching and go grab something as healthy as possible around the corner. Buy some almonds for backstage snacks.

(a little good-late-afternoon-morning peek-a-boo from the next window)

20:00 Put make up on
21:00 Head over to the venue.

23:00-02:00 Perform. Sip on that one; just one, backstage GT during the evening.
03:00 snack on some almonds, project:wash-your-face-and-roll-your-hair-for-the-next-day and then to bed.

13:00 get up. Do pilates. Colleague does yoga. Have some lemon water, almonds and bio yoghurt. Whoop whoop!
14:00 out for a walk, some fruits and soy latte.

(We saw somebody who'd just gotten married.)

16:00 Soup and summer rolls, yum!

17:00 Back home to do some office work - and have a liiiittle bit of prosecco while at it.
(Here working on the Ruby Knuckles Sextet website, by @ruskarieban)

19:00 Late afternoon/early evening power nap
20:00 make up time!
21:30  Heading over to the venue. No GT today, this evening will be healthier

(Backstage. The usual.)
23:00 -02:00 showtime ok maybe that one backstage GT after all
03:00 SHOTS! (oops) 
04:00 MORE SHOTS (oh shit)
05:00 apparently more shots, or something.

12:00 Lemon water. almonds. Damn it, why don’t we have any chips!
13:00 painful movement from place A to B. About a litre of mint tea and a grilled sandwich that could have had so much more cheese on it.

02:30 realising you are way too tired, even though you just had half a litre of cola, to spent time in one of the most awesome places there is (well nerd-wise at least; MiWuLa) and that you are just going to have to come back here the next time SANS shots the night before instead.

03:00 drag yourself up the stairs

06:00 force yourself out again to eat and at this point anything goes
(But we were lucky that this was really good though. Vegan comfort food at Saints & Sinners. Have to go back the next time and eat up the rest of the menu.)
20:00 A quick yoga nidra to try to even up the lack of sleep from last night
20:30 On with the face again
21:30 stack up on chips on the way to the venue. Arrive. No GT’s

(Arrived. Face glued on. Ready. I can do this!)
22:00 ok one GT.

23:00-02:00 Showtime!
03:00 chips. packing
04:00 SLEEP


(peanut butter and vegan cheeseeeemmmm)
09: wake up, grab soy latte, drag 20-something kilos of costumes and make up to the airport, unpack (well MAYBE, if you’re good to yourself). Go to sleep and then wake up and it’s MONDAY, DAMN!

Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 9, 2015


Bikini: H&M o  Laced top: H&M   o   Shades: DIOR   o   Bracelet: KAPP AHL
Bikini: H&M o  Top: H&M   o   Okulary: DIOR   o   Bransoletka: KAPP AHL

Jako, że kawałek lata jeszcze przed nami, nie można zapominać o nawilżaniu skóry! W tym celu przygotowałam dla Was recenzję niemal zupełnie organicznego masła do ciała z szałwii muszkatałowej i miłorząbu japońskiego polskiej firmy BE ORGANIC

1. Masło składa się z 98,5 naturalnych składników.
2. Delikatny zapach jest bardzo przyjemny, ale nie namolny.
3. Wspaniale nawilża, jako posiadaczka bardzo suchej skóry mogę z ręką na sercu twierdzić, że uczucie nawilżenia jest dogłębne i długotrwałe.
4. Konsystencja jest gładka i nie jest za lepka, jak to się często zdarza, gdy mamy do czynienia z masłami do ciała.
5. Opakowanie jest porządne i metalowe, miłe dla oka.

1. Jak dla mnie, mimo gładkiej konsystencji, masło za wolno się wchłania.
2. Cena - dla niektórych z Was może być nieco wysoka, ale cóż, za naturalne kosmetyki trzeba jednak wyłożyć nieco większą kwotę, wydaję mi się, że jest to opłacalna inwestycja.


Po industrialnym Londynie wracamy do egzotycznego Egiptu, jako, że studencka część populacji a przed sobą jeszcze jeden miesiąc wakacji. Wrzucam post jakiego jeszcze w tym roku nie było - mianowicie sesje plażową. Króluje prostota i wiecznie żywa marsala, zapowiedź jesieni. A jak wygląda Wasz kostium w tym roku?


After industril streets of London lets go back to sunny and exotic Egipt. May I present you first bikini photo shoot this season! How do you like it? And what are you wearing on the beach ths summer?



Do zobaczenia wkótce na Pandamone!
See you soon on Pandamone!