Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn smoothies. Hiển thị tất cả bài đăng
Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn smoothies. Hiển thị tất cả bài đăng

Chủ Nhật, 31 tháng 12, 2017

2 Spinach Recipes to Boost Your Morning Energies

Especially in the last days, due to some overload of work, baby screams and other life assignments I cannot delegate to anyone, I felt like all my energies are just out in the wild, leaving me completely alone to deal with the everyday life nasty challenges. But despite all odds, I keep being optimistic by nature, trying to find the best ways to challenge the lemons life throws on me once in a while.
As usually, being creative and offering myself something good - and a bit sweet too - is my answer to all those problems. Although I do have my second thoughts about spinach, I've tried to do my best to include it at on our menu at least once the month, with an easy recipe that the baby loves too. This time, I was looking for an overload of energy and iron, which the spinach contains in big chunks, can balance my deep fatigue. In combination with other healthy fruits, I created fast two good recipes to boost your mornings with lots of good and healthy energy.
Surprisingly for me, the spinach is blending perfectly, the metallic taste being taken over by the combination with the other ingredients. Instead, it offers a good colourful healthy basis for the smoothie. 

Spinach, banana and pomegranate milk smoothie

2 medium size bananas, cut into chunks
1 cup spinach, clean
1/2 cup pomegranate seeds
1 cup milk - the same amount of water can be also used
1 full tablespoon of brown sugar
1 tablespoon lemon juice

Add all the ingredients to the blender. Mix them at medium speed for 2 minutes. Let it rest for a minute. Because the pomegranate do have some small seeds which might be annoying, you may consider using a strain to clear them out. Serve it cold or at the room temperature.

Preparation time: 5 minutes
Serves: 4 full glasses of smoothie

Spinach, raspberry and banana smoothie

2 medium size banana, in chunks
1 full cup of fresh spinach leaves, cleaned
1 cup raspberry, cleaned
2 tablespoon brown sugar
2 cups water

Add all the ingredients in the blender and mix them at medium speed for around 2 minutes. Serve it fresh, or leave it for a couple of minutes in the freezer. It is a light, delicious and very fresh smoothie. Baby fully approves it too!

Preparation time: 5 minutes
Serves: 4 big full glasses of smoothie

Thứ Sáu, 24 tháng 11, 2017

Milk Banana and Tehina Smoothie

Long time no smoothie! I went through a smoothie' block, combined to an impressive amount of time and coconut milk canes spent experiencing with sachlav (the recipe was updated accordingly, so worth to have a look at it), because winter season is always sachlav season.
As I had some extra tehina spread in the kitchen (for a recipe to be revealed soon), I wanted to use it extensively for various sweet and savory recipes. Why not combine milk with bananas and some tehina plus plus plus...?
I didn't need too much encouragement to proceed to the next step of what turned to be a very successful smoothie - and baby D. loved it too!
It is easy to prepare, nourishing, with a pleasant taste and goes well with any daily meal, including as a meal in itself.

3 very ripe medium-sized bananas, each cut into 4 medium-sized pieces
2 1/2 cup of cold milk
16 gr. Vanilla sugar
1 full tablespoon tehina spread (I purchased mine from a BIO Company store)
1 tablespoon acacia honey
100 gr. pistachio for decoration

Add in the blender the bananas, the milk, the vanilla sugar, the tehina and acacia honey. Wait a minute or two for the ingredients to get together. Mix them at medium speed for 2 minutes. Pour it in glasses and decorate with pistachio. 
To be served cold.

Serves: 4 big glasses
Preparation time: 10 minutes

Bon Appétit!