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Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn skin care. Hiển thị tất cả bài đăng

Thứ Sáu, 26 tháng 1, 2018

Skin Care Product Review: Hyaluron Boost Concentrate, by Schaebens

I've reviewed a couple of Schaebens products in the last months, and the Hyaluron Boost Concentrate is by far one of the least interesting. It may be due to the relatively impractical way to use it, as it does not come as a capsule whose liquid can be easily taken out, but the liquid is contained in the recipient and it goes out upon applying a little hole in the foil. The result is that very often the liquid is not enough to cover properly the face and the neck.
However, when it comes to evaluate the results of applying the product - I used them for ten days, with a break of 2-days between - I was more than happy with the effects. It operates instantly and not only makes the skin looks fresh and youngish, but also smooth and with a silky texture. Although for the long-term it is not enough, as you need a special daily schedule of drinking liquids and healthy life, on the spot is produces very shining effects. It confirms the description provided by the company, according to which the results of applying the product are visible within 30 minutes upon applying. 
You can better apply it in the evening, allowing the liquid to develop during the night. Otherwise, some of the effects might be diminished because of using make-up and the usual face creams during the day.
Even though I was not very impressed by the product - compared to other similar skin care creations by this company or which I tried before - I can recommend it to busy women on the road, without too much time available for a proper skin care routine. It is more than affordable and can be purchased from the Rossmann drugstore chain. 

Thứ Tư, 10 tháng 1, 2018

The First Skin Care Treatment of the Year: ISANA Hydro Booster

The first ten days of 2018 are already gone but I haven't been idle, with a lot of projects ongoing and blogging idea on their way to becoming reality. Meanwhile, I tried to do not neglect my beauty and skin treatments, but as for now I am pretty busy with baby and business stuff, it is almost impossible to find some proper time for myself to get away of everything and book one full hour of massage or proper skin care treatment. For such cases, there are the many modern investions which make the life of a woman easier and also with a lighter investment. As usual, my favorite beauty capsules are doing their work while I am writing articles or pitches for my next campaigns. 
For the last week, I added to my daily routine a hydration treatment by ISANA - The 7-day Hydro Booster capsules, with ginkgo and vitamin E. Their aim is to increase the level of hydration while it also offers protection against the aggressive sun rays, especially in the summer.
Everything you need for a proper face coverage is included in the small capsule. Compared to other occasions, I realized that the liquid might not be enough to cover the neck properly but otherwise the coverage on the face was more than enough, given that the liquid is pretty oily. I preferred to use it in the evening, to offer enough development time over night. During the 'treatment' week, I did not experience any reaction, allergic or of any other kind. The recommended treatment is of over 2 weeks, for reaching at least a 20% increase of hydration. 
The capsules are available at any Rossmann drugstore near you.