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Thứ Bảy, 27 tháng 10, 2018

Nature Box Surprises - Your Hair Deserves More #BeautyPositivity

After the summer is gone and the cold time is coming, let's talk hair goals. Healthy, shining, perfectly beautiful hair goals. Did you even notice how better - or tired - you look when your hair shows it? I, personally, noticed the big difference between the two moments, which has to do with my own look and attitude. As I said more than once, this is why a woman wearing a good looking wig can win at least 10 years. Sometimes, more often than you think, your hair tells everything about you.
My hair look has ups and downs, especially after years of colouring and not too much awareness about the toxicity of some products included in the innocent bottle of shampoo. Stress, unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits, the city life pollution are other noticeable elements which harmed my hair and can harm yours too.
More love and care for my hear is my motto and I am trying to be true to my words as often as possible.
Therefore, when I was lucky enough to receive a full box of haircare products, part of the Rossmann Blogger programme, I realize that it is a good sign to focus more on the appearance and health of my hair. After a couple of weeks of intensive care, I can finally review the products generously offered.


The products included in the NATURE BOX by Henkel Beauty Care are available in the any store part of the Rossmann Drugstore network, but also in other chains throghout Germany, since the beginning of this October. They are sold in colourful bottles and also include a body care variant. 
The common features of all of them is that they are vegan, silicone- and parabene-free and based on cold pressed oil. You may ask - as I did once - what is the relevance of this technique as long as those products are - obviously - not edible? As you might know, during the heating process of the oil, not only the flavor, nutrivional value and colour of the oil is chaging, but also toxins are exposed. The cold oil method avoid such a risk, therefore your hair and body are not exposed to elements with a high risk of toxicity which may affect its original texture and health and eventually speed-up aging. 
The products are made of coconut, almond, apricot and avocado. The liquid is heavy, with a very discrete smell - my favorite kind of beauty and skincare products in general - which requires an intensive cleaning. A good occasion to intensively massage the skin of your head. It makes you really good, with a relaxing, soothing effect, especially after a very busy day. 
Each specific haircare product has different qualities: the avocado helps actively to repair and regenerate the splitted hair, apricot - a fruit whose advantages for the beauty industry I still have to discover - protects and nourishes the hair, giving it a shining appearance, the almond creates an elegant attractive volume, while the coconut brings an intensive, long-term fresh aspect.
All those results can be noticed after two consecutive use of the products. 
Applying them does not require a big amount of time. Often, 30 seconds of waiting for the conditioner to work are enough. Sometimes, you can apply them directly on the wet hair and wait for the hair to dry for the full effects.
The purchase prices in the drugstore are more than affordable, therefore, with an investment of 10-15 EUR. you can change your hair from your enemy to your main ally in courageously displaying your personality.
Verdict: The Nature Box products are becoming part of my regular hair care routine. After one week, my health recovered its original healthy aspect and volume. Although I complain often that I am mostly out of time, the high qualities and ingredients of both the shampoo and conditioner allow me to use them fast, with a minimal time investment for maximal results.

Disclaimer: The products were offered for free part of the Rossmann Blogger Programme, but the opinions are, as usual, my own.

Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 6, 2018

Summer sealife surprise from Rossmann!

Every couple of months, Rossmann surprises me with a secret big package arriving to my door, with some of their newest and top season's releases! Besides being a regular buyer of their products - especially for children and beauty and make-up, I also love how, compared to many other German companies they are working regularly with bloggers and influencers for the promotion of their products. 
This time, their surprise package included a couple of products that suits a busy yet stylish summer. The package, although naively painted with seahorses and funny colourful sea creatures and vegetation, was gay enough to keep me thinking over and over again about summer near the sea shores - which will happen for me only in one month time, and can't wait to see the sea again.

If you are looking for some efficient and unique shower gels, those two Exclusive Edition products are the right choice: with fruit-flower, respectively fruit fragrance, they add a joyful note to your morning, regardless if you are out for a day full of meetings or for catching the train to your countryside home stay. The blue sponge and a mermaid glossy pocket where you can store the precious shower gels are a good match. Plus, a dark blue shower towel and some funny colourful stickers to give to your children too.
Those products are ageless and fill the air with a pleasant note. A reminder that summer vacations are only a couple of days away and that you need some you-time that this time, you can also share with the rest of your family. 

Disclaimer: Products offered through Rossmann Blogger Community program, but the opinions are, as usual, my own

Thứ Ba, 13 tháng 2, 2018

Product Review: Warm Cookie Dough Shower Cream by Treaclemoon

Yes, you've read it right: Warm Cookie Dough Shower Cream. It is not a mistake and (this time) I will not share a recipe. This post is exclusively about a deliciously smelling shower cream, a limited edition created by Treaclemoon. This product is one of the many from a line which includes shower creams and gels with attractive names such as Apple Pie Hugs or Nutmeg Coffee Cake. If you are a foodie, like me, you would definitely love to keep your creative foodie mood while having a shower. After all, many of the good ideas are popping up our minds when we are lost in thoughts in the shower, isn't it?
A couple of years ago I had a little discussion with a colleague at work about those beauty products smelling as foods. 'Who wants to smell like an apple strudel?', she said, and at the moment I was almost convinced she was right. However, as usual when it comes to foods, it is a matter of recipe to create the finest, less smell-intrusive product. Although the Warm Cookie Dough Shower Cream do smell like a warm cookie in contact with water, on the skin it has a discrete mild fragrance, which rather reminds of shower creams than on a cookie. It is an aromated, vanilla scented smell which relaxes your senses and makes your skin feel good. I've tested the product every day for a couple of days already and haven't experienced any allergic reaction. 
Treaclemoon, which has in its German version, one of the most creative websites of a German company I ever seen, creates not only innovative mixtures, but also vegan and cruelty free products, an additional reason to have them if you are concerned about the environment and wants to surround yourself by brands with conscience. Their products, which are dermatologically tested and free of silicones or parabene, including the Warm Cookie Dough Shower are available in Germany in the Rossmann, dm, Müller and Budni.

Disclaimer: Products offered for review via the Rossmann Blogger Project, but the opinions are, as usual, my own

Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 11, 2017

Rossmann Blogger Assignment: Lagom feelings from Barnängen

I recently wrote about Lagom and the beauty of living in moderation, but it was only from a theoretical point of view, as I did not have too many direct experiences - besides my visits to Sweden, where I also taught for a summer school once - with this much praised life-style. My wish to get a better knowledge about Swedish moderation and elegance come true, once I was offered to test the newest products by Barnängen, recently introduced to the German market and distributed through the Rossmann drugstore network. An iconic company, Barnängen was founded in 1868 and become famous for its soaps, but it soon diversified its products and nowadays offers a range array of shower and daily care items.
The four products I was offered in an impressively big box are the perfect company for a pleasant shower routine: Nutritive shower cream, Nutritive body lotion, Midsommar Glow Body Oil - doesn't matter we are running deep into the winter, your body should not stop glowing anyway - and all over intensive Body Balm
They look relatively good, without an outstanding elegant design but acceptable. However, the quality inside each bottle is far beyond the expectations, and for a good serious reason. I tested the products regularly twice the day, and I did not experience any allergy, but if you have a sensitive skin you might pay attention to the ingredients and to the advice of your dermatologist. 
Besides the body oil, the other products are designed as cold creams, a combination between fat ingredients and water. Barnängen products use could berries, an ingredient common to many traditional Swedish beauty and food recipes, including toppings for ice creams. The smell if very pleasant and easily impregnates the skin which remains discretely perfumed during the day.
The body oil has a floral mix, with a particular pleasant natural scent, leaving the skin smoothy and velvet-like. 
My personal experience with this set of Barnängen products was of 5 stars, with a pleasant skin feeling accompanying me during my busy hours and a relaxation and peace feeling after the evening shower. A wellbeing feeling I want to keep with me this winter.
All the 4 products are priced conveniently in the Rossmann stores in Germany.

Disclaimer: Products offered by Barnängen via the Rossmann Blogger Program, but opinions are, as usual, my own.