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Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn mitomo masks. Hiển thị tất cả bài đăng

Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 6, 2018

Mitomo Self-Care for the Summer

The last year I did a couple of reviews of the very efficient and high-quality Mitomo sheet masks, but on purpose I kept a couple of them for the summer time. 
Summer is my favorite time of the year, for the good weather and the many travel opportunities but it does require a lot of extra skin care. The travel is quite exhausting for the skin and the warm weather is dehydrating the entire body with significant and visible effects easily to be read on your face.
Extra moisturizing is especially required if you are past your 30s, regardless of your genetics and skin features in general. I do have a good genetics, but as I was travelling in the South of Germany for the past week, I realized how tired and dried my skin looked. With or without make-up, my face had a very unhealthy appearance. The elegant, easy to care Mitomo masks helped me to give a healthy boost to my face. 
The package I've sed included four efficient masks, to be used either early in the morning or late in the evening, allowing the composition to operate overnight. I used them on a clean face, while sitting in my bed relaxing at the end of sometimes very crazy work and travel days. After 20-30 minutes, you will see the changes!
My favorite treatment was the Premium Moisturizing Face Mask Pack, packed with ingredients that brought the glow back to my face, among which: castor oil, kiwi fruit extract, citric acid or sodium hyaluronate. Pure Facial Essence Mask is another favorite of mine as it cleans deeply the pores and balances the hydration levels. The next in line I used was Pore Control Facial Essence Mask, for its hard work of cleaning the dirt and the clotted channels that give an unclean and unkept appearance to your face. Last but not least, Premium Elasticity Face Mask Pack that I just used it efore starting another series of travels for the next weeks creates fantastic results in less than one hour, with a better outline of the face and features contour and an intensive hydration that stays for longer. The series also include a whitening mask, which given my very white skin that rarely get a proper tan, I skipped it.
As in the previous cases, I was extremely happy with my Mitomo masks, except that this time, the sheet masks were somehow a bit too complicated folded and more than once I needed some extra time to unfold them without damaging the edges.
Strongly recommended for your summer travels and your home self-care spa!

Disclaimer: Products generously offered by Mitomo, but opinions, as usual, my own. 

Thứ Sáu, 3 tháng 11, 2017

Everyday Ingredients of Mitomo Masks

In the last weeks, I continued testing a new batch of Mitomo masks. After experiencing the positive effects of some very special ingredients, like horse oil, for instance, or the face sheets with hyaluron or other basic ingredients that are becoming so popular lately, this time most of the products included everyday substances.
A special note on the design of each package: as a regular user of beauty products, especially face masks, I noticed a stereotypical disregard to the way in which the masks are presented. In Europe you have generally some glowing woman face smiling from a shining package where you have a lot of written details about the products. This batch of masks from Mitomo, do have a lot of written details too, but inserted among well chosen inspired images of the ingredients. It is not only about entincing the customer to buy it, but offering a product tailored according to the highest quality standards.
Back to my experience with the masks now. This time, I decided to use them at the beginning of the day, as I started to have very early mornings due to the shortening of the light hours. Shortly before being awake, I decided to start applying a mask while for the next 20 minutes I keep myself busy checking the latest social media updates and planning the rest of the day. It was my own meditation moment to open the morning. 
Each of the sheet has 25 gr. and is heavily soaked into liquid. It works for all skin types and I personally did not experience any negative effects. As usual, the masks were kept in the fridge overnight, for a refreshing effect in addition to the nourishing.
I started with Camellia Essence Mask, using camellia flower, an ingredient of the Japanese cuisine or drinks. What I did not know is that there is camellia oil which is rich in vitamins such as A, B, D and E or nourishing Omega 3, 6 and 9, having a higher concentration of antioxidants than almost any other botanically derived oil.
The green tea doesn't neet too much introduction as an excellent product for both the food and beauty industry. As a face mask, it has a deep cleansing effect, eliminating any blemishes or rashes and red spots. After applying the Green Tea Essence Mask, the skin looked well hydrated and youthful, ready to cope with an overwhelming busy day.
The Rice Leaven Essence Mask may smell a little bit compared to the previous too which are fragrance free, but this highly moistured sheet mask is the perfect antidote to a tired face. After 30 minutes of applying it - I wanted to treat my face with an extra 10 minutes of morning care - the good nutrition mix of ingredients - rice protein, SOD, beta glucon, Vitamin B, among many others - my face went through a radical lift and it looked perfectly rested. 
Another good remedy for a tired skin was the Soy Bean Essence Mask, as soy has amazing natural effects, reducing irritation, improving considerably the skin texture, building the useful resources of collagen and fighting efficiently the damage produced by sun. 
Many of the masks do have, besides the beautifying effect, clear healing and skin care effects. By using face sheets, the chances of increasing the efficiency of the product, as the substance stays longer on the skin are higher. The Tea Tree Essence Mask by Mitomo is recommended especially if you are trying to offer a special protection to your skin. The tea tree has antiseptic and anti-fungal benefits, reducing the risk and effects of infection. It helps considerably against skin infections, burns or rashes and it is recommended to use it especially during the summer when some of us might forget the use a proper skin cream. It has a smooth Tiger balm smell but it worked perfectly deep into the skin tissues and my face looked regenerated and fresh, after only 20 minutes.
The most exotic ingredient of this batch of masks is Sake Essence Mask. I am not a big fan of sake drink, but I may acknowledge its benefits for the skin, such as moisturizing - due to the high concentration of glycerol and amino acids. What I did not know either is that you can also add some drops of sake to your bath water, with a better moisturizing and heat-retention effects. At least I have one more serious reason to reconsider my opinions on sake.
Meanwhile, my next batch of Mitomo masks are quietly waiting in my fridge to be tested in the next days. Stay tunned for more reviews!

Disclaimer: Masks offered generously by Mitomo to test, but opinions are, as usual, my own