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Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn how to have a good life. Hiển thị tất cả bài đăng

Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 11, 2017

How to Eat (only) Real Food

Growing up without too much care about what does it really mean to consume exclusively healthy food, although coping with tons of allergies most of my childhood, I was lured into the pleasures of good and real food only a couple of years ago, when faced with the huge challenge of cooking and taking care of my house completely on my own - meaning no cooking lady to prepare my lunches or dinners. As I am also doing my very best to keep kosher - at least in the house - another couple of challenges were sent to me, starting from the ability to identify and select those products which contain clean ingredients, from the kosher point of view. 
After reading this book by the food and travel journalist Larry Olmsted, I realize that in fact the time spent reading the list of ingredients of a product before taking the decision to buy is more than a religious obligation, but a healthy choice too. But it does it mean that we might be completely safe from purchasing 'fake' products, as I remember a couple of years ago a terrific story with tilapia fish which was not what it was introduced: not tilapia, not kosher, but some fish brought to America from China. Living in the EU protects at a greater extent the customers from being victims of such abuses, with detailed rules and regulations governing and protecting the selling and distribution of serious food brands, such as Champagne, various wines or cheeses. 
Besides the educational value, this book by Larry Olmsted also has a very pleasant writing, with interesting food stories - my favorite ones are, no surprise, about cheese - and also some short recipes of genuine original cooking. A book done out of the feeling of responsibility to offer informed opinions when introducing foods, which offer valuable hints, especially for the readers which love to travel, taste and discover local tastes, but not every kind of touristy, fake alternatives, although it might be cheaper and in easy to reach places. 

Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 11, 2017

Declutter Your House with an Expert

Dana K. White has a job which a couple of years ago would have been taken as a big joke: she is a professional decluttering expert. In other words, it helps you to get rid of all the unuseful pile of things you gathered because probably nothing else to do with your life right now.
As someone who moved quite frequently, with a clean ethic of collecting memories and trips and beautiful people around me instead of things, I am half way through the decluttering experience. Although in the last ten years I stayed in the same place - which was the highest achievement since I was born - I tried at least twice the year to do a general cleaning of the house, giving away or selling the lots of stuff that I do not need it, being books, papers, leaflets, clothes and shoes. I have a look at my food pantry at least once the month in order to check what items out of use. Still, once in a while I realize that I have way more stuff than needed and it might take more more than a couple of hours to put things in the clean order. What about people which love inanimated objects around them and keep gathering them at least every day?
Decluttering at the Speed of Life is the book for them because not only offers advice and a plan how to have a better organise house, but it gives a plan about how to life your life 'with only things that matter'. It gives you criteria and reasons why you have to start living the life, instead of hiding behind piles of whatever things. It is a good beginning for a much greater life vibe. Enough material to learn from everyone, including someone as decluttered as me.

Disclaimer: Book offered by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 11, 2017

Yoga in the Office or How to Keep Yourself Fit in the Cubicle

Most of my working life I spent in an office, on a chair - not always chosen taking into account the highest health standards for my back, in the front of the computer. With over 10 years as a journalist and PR executive, I also had the advantage that once in a while I had to go out and move my feet or just run up on down the stairs of the office to check some lead or proof-read once again my article. At the time I was very unhappy with all the hassle, but in fact it was a great advantage for my mobility.
As a freelancer, I was even less tempted to move very often, but I rarely spent 24 hours in my home office without going out at least for one hour. I do not drive in Germany, therefore, I have to walk until the next metro station which is 10 minutes away of walking. Since I do have a smart phone, I am trying to check the Samsung Health app every day and reach my 6,000 steps the day. However, once in a while, I still feel stiff and I did experience a lot of back problems lately.
At Office Yoga by Julie Schoen is a great inspiration to keep moving your body and improving your mobility, even you have to sit at your desk the whole day. With pre-, during and after-work practical exercises, beautifully displayed in photo and explained in words, it includes a couple of exercises that keep you in good shape and even help you fight headaches without overload of medication. The cover looks not so appealing, but the materials included in-between the covers is very good quality though.
I am not a regular yoga practitioner, but once in a while I like to do some exercise, feeling less stiff and more mobile. Especially for the office part of the practice, you might not need to take your yoga mat in the office, as the exercises require a limited space and sometimes without even leaving your chair. But it is enough to make yourself comfortable in your body and relax in-between stressful assignments. Besides the obvious health advantage, a regular yoga practice will also help increase productivity, as you can relax, take a deep breath and maybe see things in a much better light.
My personal advice is to take the full advantage of the lunch break and spend some time walking around the office, to keep the window open and preferably to have your office near a window to relax yourself once in a while looking outside. Taking short breaks is also recommended, outlined by small walks in the office and some of the yoga exercises recommended in this book. You can be happier, more efficient and healthier too. 
A recommended read for any modern woman looking to have a better life quality.