Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn business woman. Hiển thị tất cả bài đăng
Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn business woman. Hiển thị tất cả bài đăng

Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 6, 2018

Why Watching Evil Wears Prada is Good for your Business Ego

As a woman with my own business ambitions and with quite a diverse and complex experience in the field of publishing industry - not fashion-related though - I've learned a lot from wathing last evening The Devil Wears Prada. In addition to being greatly played by Meryl Streep, this movie has a lot of good lessons learned about the power of luxury fashion, balancing relationships and success and the hardship of women in power, regardless the industry or social status.
Compared to the book, which I've read many many years ago, the movie seems to be more focused on the sensitive aspects of business women leadership, and I really loved this shift. The terrible editor-in-chief would have survive if not being so bitchy? She would have been still on the top, if not learned to fight like a lioness for her rights of being there? Being nice is really good for your business, especially if you are in the highly competitive fashion industry? Women are used to be seen on the catwalk, but when they are the decision-makers, they shall do anything but glowing nicely. 
This movie is also about relationships between women and coming to age, the moment when you have to grow up from the carefree college life to a world of challenges and painful decisions. Again, especially as a woman, it seems that you are still expected to not change too fast, if ever, to go the beaten path, and eventually accept modest relationships instead of independently creating your own version of success. You may be lonely there on the top, but it is your right to live the best version of yourself. 
This movie is a recommendation for both women looking their way to power or ready to get the fresh shock of the first jobs. It is not only about fashion, and not only about bitchy bosses, but it tells a bit about the condition of being a woman at work nowadays.  

Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 10, 2017

Meeting the Future of Business in Berlin

Autumn is the season of fairs of all kinds and special events in Berlin, offering during the cold dark long days the chance of a reboost and a complete renewal, either on the business or the personal front.
It was quite a long time since my last visit at the deGUT fair. It stands for Deutsche Gründer- und Unternehmertage and it is aimed at offering to companies and entrepreneurs the chance of developing their ideas and plans. This time, it was held at the ARENA, near Treptower Park. As I remember from my last visit, when the event was organised at Tempelhof, the visitor was easily took to the destination, by white branded arrows with the logo of the event. Very smart! 
As I am currently in process of building up my own business - going a little bit beyond my freelancing status - I was very happy to have the chance of getting closer to the real world of founders and business ideas. First and foremost, it offered the occasion to directly connect with people that do have the knowledge, either in the domain of financing - business angels included - insurances of any kind, free consulting for your plans and even a bit of support for setting up your business, step-by-step. I was personally happy to see again the brilliant people from Akelei, an organisation supporting women through various free or affordable classes covering various aspects of the business creation.
Another important part of the deGUT was dedicated to sharing experience, with interventions from business representative with a track record on the market. It was the chance to connect even better with people from various industries.
According to an official press release, the event was attended by around 6,000 participants, with 140 exhibitors. 
As usual, Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg - ILB - had a big embassy, the bank being a supporter of businesses in the region, not only financially, but also through specific advice and consulting. What is really impressive and you can find only if you are going to such events is that there are significant free resources available in Berlin for beginner entrepreneurs, which can help you land your ideas especially when you have a limited investment budget. 
The person-to-person connection is even more important and many of the beginner entrepreneur questions were easily answered through various meetings with the specialists in different domains, such as SEO, video marketing, social media skills etc.
I personally enjoyed the chance of being part of this great opportunity and I really appreciate that Berlin moved forward from the start-up often incertain level to a much better way of being in the business, with feet solidly set into the investment ground. 
The next deGUT event will take place in one year, between 12-13 October 2018, possibly in the same place.