Thứ Tư, 21 tháng 11, 2018

Why You Need a Job Coaching (at least once in a while)

As a single mother with an active baby, who found herself in the middle of things without any clear idea how to handle them, but still went on against the mainstream(s), finding the right job and professional direction after two years of staying at home was not an easy task. Although I had 10+ years of experience, a lot of foreign languages in my pocket and an impressive list of professional and academic achievements, being strong enough and motivated enough to continue, once my boy started his kindergarten was a bit complicated.
I had the idea, I had the good health and also some basic resources, but how to continue my life normally, given the time and financial limitations I had to cope right now required a bit of professional help. Without a responsible father to provide us a basic help, things got rough some times. Finding different gigs and work assignments was more than a way to fill my time and put my brains at work, it had to do with survival and my obligation to offer to my son all the comfort and amenities needed for his age. I had hobby classes to pay, clothes and kindergarten fees, babysitter once in a while or various development games. Besides, I also had to pay rent, buy food, clothes and pay taxes and fees and insurances. Last but not least, I needed to maintain a certain level of sanity and go out with my friends once in a while. 
Plus, I had other plans too: building up my own business and communication boutique, keeping myself in good shape and continuing my travels and world adventures.
Job Coaching - a training which I booked for three months until the end of 2018 helped me tremendously not only to figure out my priorities, set up better professional aims and follow my plans consciously, but also to get in touch with other single mothers, their struggles and challenges. As all the trainig is taking place in German, it was also the welcomed linguistic challenge that I was waiting for, and in less than 2 months, my professional fluency improved. 
With so many people coming from so many completely different lawns of life, with the help of good coaches and inspiration, now I feel much closer to reach my potential. Although I am stubborn enough to keep believing that I will manage to follow both my business and academic plans - which at the moment are completely different, and will use all my resources I've built in the last years therefore not stay focused on one and only project - a better task management is very important to achieve what I have in mind. Changing my mindset and my attitude towards my own priorities and success in general requires time, but all those small exercises I am doing right now are helping me tremendously to see everything in a much clearer and even more glittering light.
This year - more about this in a next post - I understand how important is to build and find time for yourself. Create opportunities and challenge yourself to that 'me time' where you can just relax, close your eyes and enjoy your time, without being always under the pressure of taking care of other people's needs all the time. Being generous is a great character feature, but if you cannot do things first for yourself, sharing with others is a half-job. Also, if you are unhappy and not healthy in mind and body, how can you be a good caregiver to your children and loved ones?
Therefore, my advice to all those looking for a better direction, shift and encouragement: take the challenge, find the right job coach or job coaching program and work a bit your aims and dreams. With a little motivation and help, you can definitely get things on a much better track.